What is Dart Function ?
- Dart function is a set of codes that together perform a specific task. It is used to break the large code into smaller modules and reuse it when needed. Functions make the program more readable and easy to debug. It improves the modular approach and enhances the code reusability.
Advantages of Functions :
The few benefits of the Dart function is given below.
It increases the module approach to solve the problems.
It enhances the re-usability of the program.
We can do the coupling of the programs.
It optimizes the code.
It makes debugging easier.
Defining a Function
- A function can be defined by providing the name of the function with the appropriate parameter and return type. A function contains a set of statements which are called function body. The syntax is given below.
return_type func_name (parameter_list):
return value;
Let's understand the general syntax of the defining function.
return_type - It can be any data type such as void, integer, float, etc. The return type must be matched with the returned value of the function.
func_name - It should be an appropriate and valid identifier.
parameter_list - It denotes the list of the parameters, which is necessary when we called a function.
return value - A function returns a value after complete its execution.