Dart : Enums | Enumerations

Dart : Enums | Enumerations


1 min read

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Enum :

  • An enum is a special type that represents a fixed number of constant values.

  • An enum is declared using the keyword enum followed by the enum’s name.

enum Color {

extension ColorExtension on Color {
  String get displayName {
    switch (this) {
      case Color.red:
        return 'Red';
      case Color.green:
        return 'Green';
      case Color.blue:
        return 'Blue';
        throw ArgumentError('Unknown color: $this');

  // You can define other methods or properties here

void main() {
  print(Color.red.displayName); // Output: Red

Enumerations :

  • Enumerated types (also known as enumerations or enums) are primarily used to define named constant values.

  • The enum keyword is used to define an enumeration type in Dart.

  • The use case of enumeration is to store finite data members under the same type definition.

enum Vehicle implements Comparable<Vehicle> {
  car(tires: 4, passengers: 5, carbonPerKilometer: 400),
  bus(tires: 6, passengers: 50, carbonPerKilometer: 800),
  bicycle(tires: 2, passengers: 1, carbonPerKilometer: 0);

  const Vehicle({
    required this.tires,
    required this.passengers,
    required this.carbonPerKilometer,

  final int tires;
  final int passengers;
  final int carbonPerKilometer;

  int get carbonFootprint => (carbonPerKilometer / passengers).round();

  bool get isTwoWheeled => this == Vehicle.bicycle;

  int compareTo(Vehicle other) => carbonFootprint - other.carbonFootprint;

void main() {

  var vehicleList = [Vehicle.bus, Vehicle.car, Vehicle.bicycle];
  print('Before sorting:\n${vehicleList.join('\n')}\n');
