Static variable :
static variable in Dart refer to the variable that are declared inside a class
using the static keyword.Instead of a specific instance, these are members of the class.
For all instances of the class, static variables are regarded the same.
This means that a single copy of the static variable is shared by all instances of
the class.
A class variable is also called a static variable.
A single copy of the static variable is shared by all of a class’s instances.
Static Method :
static methods are members of the class rather than the class instance in Dart.
static methods can only use static variables and call the class's static
method.To access the static method, we don't need to create a class instance.
To make a method static in a class, we use the static keyword.
Instead of the object, the static methods are the member class.
Example :
class MyClass { static int staticVar = 10; static void printStaticalVar() { print(staticVar); } int count = 0; void increment() { count++; } } void main() { print(MyClass.staticVar); MyClass.printStaticVar(); var counter1 = MyClass(); counter1.increment(); print(counter1.count); var counter2 = MyClass(); counter2.increment(); print(counter2.count); }
10 10 1 1 Exited.