What is Flutter SDK & Content of Flutter SDK

What is Flutter SDK & Content of Flutter SDK

What is Flutter SDK ?

  • The Flutter SDK (Software Development Kit) is a framework developed by
    Google for building cross - platform mobile applications. it provides a complete
    set of tools, libraries, and resources to create native - like user interface (UI) for
    both Android and iOS platform using a single codebase.

  • Content of Flutter SDK :

      1. The Flutter SDK includes a range of tools, libraries, and resources essential for developing cross-platform mobile, web, and desktop applications.
  • Some key features of the Flutter SDK are:

    1. Single Codebase: With Flutter, you can write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, such as Android and iOS.

    2. Hot Reload: Flutter offers a unique feature called Hot Reload, which allows developers to instantly see the changes made in the code reflected in the app's UI.

    3. Widget-based UI: Flutter uses a widget-based approach to building user interfaces. Widgets are reusable building blocks that can be combined and nested to create complex UI layouts.

    4. High Performance: Flutter apps are compiled into native ARM code, which ensures high performance and fast execution.

    5. Access to Native Features: Flutter provides a bridge to access platform-specific features and APIs. Developers can use platform channels to interact with native code and leverage the device's capabilities.

    6. Rich Ecosystem: Flutter has a growing and active community, offering a wide range of packages and plugins that extend its functionality.