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Articles with this tag
Drawer : Drawer widget is used to provide access to various destinations and functions within your application. It is symbolized by three horizontal...
Rich Text : The RichText widget is used to display text that uses various different styles. The displayed text is described using a tree of TextSpan...
Row Widget : The Row widget is a commonly used layout pattern in Flutter applications. It is a multi-child widget that displays its children in a...
Icon Widget : Icon class in Flutter is used to show specific icons in our app. Instead of creating an image for our icon, we can simply use the Icon...
FlutterLogo : FlutterLogo widget is as simple as it sounds, it is just the flutter logo in the form of an icon. This widget also comes built-in with...
ElevatedButton : An elevated button is a labeled child displayed on a Material widget whose Material.elevation increases when the button is...